Friday, 16 December 2011

End of a Chapter

This year has certainly brought about a lot of changes for me. Today was another one. The end of a chapter.

From September 2003 I've taught a craft class every Friday morning from September until somewhere around April. Today was the last one. There have been ups and downs, and quite a few people have come and gone as circumstances changed. I've learnt a lot and developed my skills as the people in the class have developed theirs. I've been pushed to be creative and come up with new ideas for cards, and sometimes other projects, every week. It's been challenging but I'm now ready to move on to other things. I don't know quite what but I'm sure time will tell. From a craft point of view, I want to go in a slightly different direction and look into fabric and fibres instead of paper which is the medium I've mostly worked with.

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