Tuesday, 29 March 2011

26nd March 2011 - Weaver Ants, Probability, Vacuum Cleaners, Snow, E=mc2 & Brussel Sprouts

Today was quite a productive day, so I've split the information into two posts. 

Weaver  Ants  - There are several different types of ants which fall into this functional category. They connect living leaves together with larval silk. In the tropics, they provide a cool, protective area. When disturbed, guards rush out and squirt formic acid at the disturber. [Myrmecos Blog]

Probability  - - Geometric distribution in trying to win something from buying coffee in Canada with probability 1/6. The expected time to win after your first failure is the same as it was before the first failure since the coffee cup does not 'remember' you failed the first time.[Andrew Eckford: The Blog]

Pressure  & Vacuums -  Dust is pushed into a vacuum cleaner by atmospheric pressure rather than sucked in. [Sixty Symbols]

Snow - Writing on snow can be achieved by pummeling it with ions. When snow hits the ground, it gets broken so there are no pristine crystals.[Sixty Symbols]

E=mc2  - The formula,  E=mc2 is only correct when the particle is at rest. If the particle is moving, then it should be E2  = m2c4  +  p2c2 where m is the mass, c is the speed of light and p is the momentum. This means that you can get negative energy which is an antiparticle, the positron.

If you measure the mass of the components of an atom, and then put those components together, the mass drops due to the binding energy. [Sixty Symbols]

Brussel Sprouts - Brussel sprouts can cause the same orange skin colour that carrots can due to their high carotene content.[Vital Signs: Why Is He Limping?]

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