Wednesday, 30 March 2011

30th March 2011 Evolution

Coyne in Maryland - Table of those accepting evolution by country showing the USA as 33rd out of 34.

 'Why Evolution Is True' by Jerry Coyne, AAI 2009 -
How can the prostate gland make sense from an intelligent design point of view? It's an organ prone to swelling around a collapsible pipe.
It shows various trees of evolution such as how the whale's ancestors lived on land.

 Why teach evolution? - Along with the evolution acceptance table, there are several statistics about the American population's knowledge of science.
1 in 5 think the earth is the centre of the solar system.
54% think electrons are larger than atoms
63% can't name the planet nearest the sun.
60% know Superman's home planet.
58% can't work out a 10% tip.

Half of Americans polled didn't know how long it takes the earth to revolve around the sun. [Source]

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