Monday, 11 April 2011

11th April 2011 Comet Elenin

A while ago, someone posted a link to a video of a woman predicting an earthquake when the Japanese quake occurred. She said that it was because comet Elenin, the earth and the sun were in a straight line.

Here are some facts about Elenin.
  •  The closest Elenin will come to us is 0.24 AU - that is slightly closer than the closest Venus gets to us and (100 x distance to moon).
  •  Elenin passed its closest on 2nd April 2011, and its orbit remains unchanged.
  • It's tidal force is 1/billion times that of the moon so it wont cause Earthquakes - not even the moon does that!
  • We may pass through its tail, but that is smaller than Halley's tail. 
  • It's around 3-4 km in diameter.
  • It may evaporate (thought to be 50% chance) when it gets nearer to the sun as it's either a dirty snowball or icy dirtball, possibly barely holding together.

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