Monday, 18 April 2011

18th April 2012 Bah Styrofoam! Yay Mushrooms!

Styrofoam gets everywhere and it will still be around in 10 000 years.

What alternative is there?

Mushrooms! The blocks are not made from these mycelium but are grown. The mycelium are mixed with local agricultural waste which is placed in a mould and kept in the dark for 5 days.  At the end of the five days, fibres have filled the mould making the block of packaging material.

This packaging material never has to end up as landfill as it can be used to improve soil.  It wont be around in 10000 years and it's also fire resistant.

It is already being used by some companies instead of Styrofoam.

USA Science Festival Blog: Revolutionizing product packaging  for another video
Ecovative Design the company growing the packaging
Steelcase goes diy with home grown packaging a company using the packaging

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