Friday, 12 August 2011

11th August 2011 - 2 Jigsaw Pieces Everywhere

I read a lot of articles and blogs every day, along with my Google+ stream, books and conversations with friends. I'm very hungry-for-knowledge but then some days it feels like there is too much, and that nothing fits together. It's as if each piece of knowledge is a jigsaw piece and they are strewn all over the place.

How can I ever make sense of all these pieces? Nothing ties up. Such small snippets but surely they go together somehow? I jump from one thing to another, wondering what is going on and then suddenly I get a feeling that something is familiar. Just a moment, didn't I hear something about that a few days ago? Then it dawns on me. I did! I love that AHA moment when things link up.

I had that feeling today when I was reading up on sea pens. A predator of the sea pen is the nudibranch. Nudibranch, nudibranch, oooh, wasn't that something someone posted a picture of on Google+?  I checked back and sure enough, +Kjetil Greger Pedersen had posted a photograph of one which eats anemones and uses their poison to protect itself. Great feeling.

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