Thursday, 4 August 2011

4th August 2011 - 1 Light lost in Reflection

In a conversation with a friend, the loss of light between two mirrors came up. That got me thinking as to why the light was lost. Was it some sort of cool quantum effect? Maybe I've been reading too much quantum stuff that I want something weird and wonderful to be happening. I went on a search for information to see if any of my ideas were in the right direction and this is what I've found so far.

In a metal, and thus mirrors with a metallic backing, light is absorbed by electrons and then re-emitted. I don't know why it's emitted at the angle it is but I think it's to do with waves but that is a question for another day. The following are reasons why the intensity of the beam diminishes.
  • Some light is scattered by imperfections in the mirror, so called diffuse reflection
  • Some light is scattered by the air
  • Even if the mirror were perfect, some energy would be lost due to conduction between electrons
I can see I have a lot more to read up about on this topic so I'll look at it a bit more over the next few days and see if I can make any sense of it.


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